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slowUp Basel-Dreiland

15. Sep
One of Switzerland’s slowUp-bicycle tours takes riders through three different countries in and around Basel.
Bicycle traffic at the slowUp Basel Dreiland on the Dreiländerbrücke.
At the SlowUp, the roads belong exclusively to non-motorised traffic for one day: the SlowUp Basel-Dreiland leads over the Dreiländerbrücke bridge, among others, and has the longest route of the Swiss SlowUp days with a total of 62 km.
© Aussenbeziehungen und Standortmarketing.

Around 70 km of roads in Basel and in the neighbouring countries of France and Germany is closed to motor traffic on one day a year in September, between 10 am and 5 pm. Cyclists, inline skaters, people with non-motorised means of transport of all kinds and pedestrians come in droves to enjoy the freedom of the streets.

Den SlowUp-Tag gibt es in verschiedenen Schweizer Städten und Regionen – die längste aller slowUp-Routen ist jene des SlowUp Basel-Dreiland, mit insgesamt 62 km, sechs Rheinquerungen und zwei imposanten Kraftwerkübergängen.