A lot to see in such a small city
Basel is very proud of its many museums. No other European city has so many top museums in such a small space. 37 square kilometres for almost 40 museums! The range of collections pre-sented covers a wide range of interests, but is mainly focussed on fine art.
A collector’s passion
The oldest art collection in the Kunstmuseum Basel
Collecting art has a long tradition in Basel. In 1661, Basel was the first European city to open the doors of an art collection. Other treasures of today's Kunstmuseum are pictures by Hans Holbein or modern classics. The large special exhibitions are presented in the new building, as well as works from the collection from 1950 onwards. Contemporary art is shown in the Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart.
Five cantonal museums
Apart from the Kunstmuseum, four other state run museums set the standard for many international museums with regard to research and education: The Historisches Museum Basel (Museum of History), the Museum der Kulturen (Museum of Cultures), the Antikenmuseum Basel (Museum of Antiquity) and the Naturhistorisches Museum Basel (Museum of Natural History).
The largest museums in Basel
Great institutions
Over the last three decades, some private institutions such as the Fondation Beyeler (1997), the Museum Tinguely (1996) and the Schaulager (2003) have made Basel even more attractive for the general public. The Fondation Beyeler, located just outside the city in Riehen, has a significant national and international presence. Another pioneering museum is the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, just over the German border.
Small museum gems
Let’s not forget the many smaller, quaint and often quite humorous museums that harbour real treasures and intriguing little bits and pieces. The Pharmaziemuseum (Museum of Pharmacy) of the University of Basel hosts the largest collection of pharmaceutical history – which is often mysterious and sometimes a little gruesome.
The oldest proven exhibit for medical students is a skeleton dating from 1543. It can be seen in the Museum of Anatomy. The Cartoon Museum shows collections of satirical drawings and cartoons. And the Toy Worlds Museum Basle is home to the world’s largest collection of teddy bears.
Art at every turn
The fine arts also play an important role outside the museums. Wherever you go, you will find art on public display: Richard Serra's "Intersection", Tinguely's "Fasnachtsbrunnen" and Bettina Eichin's "Helvetia" are only three examples of the many artworks that can be discovered while wandering through the city.
Art in public space
Art calendars
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