Child-friendly city
Basel’s policy is child- and family-friendly: the city invests in day care and has a wide range of services for children and families. Each neighbourhood has a park and several playgrounds. Children and adolescents benefit from short and safe routes as well as excellent medical and nursing care.
When I was growing up, it was normal to be driven to school each day. I love that my children live in a city where it is safe for them to walk to school with their friends! I see how this important freedom contributes to building up their confidence and their sense of independence. A true luxury.

Pre school day care sevices
Day care services are available in Basel for children from the age of three months. There is also a network of organised day care families. Some public institutions, for example the university, and some !arge companies in Basel have their own day care centres. Some day care centres are bilingual.
Day care services of schools
Since the schools in Basel are not actually day schools, they offer optional day structures. These day structures are offered in different modules and cover lunch and supervised afternoon activities, among other things. This ensures that the children have time for homework, relaxation and play.

Children and health
The University Paediatric Hospital, centrally located in Basel, provides children and teenagers with state-of-the-art medical care. There are also numerous pediatricians in private practice.

Short and safe routes
Children should be able to walk around their homes on their own as much as possible. Therefore, there are several playgrounds and at least one park within walking distance in every neighbourhood. Traffic-calming measures have been introduced on an increasing number of roads to make them safer for children.
Support for family issues
- Parental counselling
The Basel-Stadt parent counselling service, a network of family counsellors, provides support with issues relating to babies and toddlers.
- Childcare counselling
The Day Care Service (Fachstelle Tagesbetreuung) offers advice on childcare issues as well as a list of day care centres.
Further information
- www.hallo-baselstadt.ch
The website hallo-baselstadt.ch provides practical tips in 20 languages on the rights and duties of parents, childcare and family reunification.
- UNICEF label ‘Child-Friendly Community’
Basel has held the UNICEF ‘Child-Friendly Community’ label since 2013.
- Children's Office
The Children's Office is committed to the interests of children.
Leisure and education
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Where can my child learn German? When are the school holidays in Basel? Where can parents get help?