Health and insurance
Basel is the leading healthcare centre in the north-western Switzerland and the Upper Rhine area. The university and pharmaceutical city has top-class medical facilities to ensure a seamless health care and staged care for the elderly appropriate to their needs. In an emergency, and in cases of accident, damage or loss, the Swiss population appreciates the uncomplicated assistance and material support provided by one of the many local health insurers, property and life insurances.
The health system in the Canton of Basel-Stadt provides a very high standard of care in every respect: A large number of state-run and private-sector hospitals, as well as old people's homes and nursing homes provide treatment, health care and support for injured, ill and elderly patients, private doctors’ surgeries and pharmacies leave no gaps in the system.
University Hospital
The University Hospital Basel is one of Switzerland's leading university medical centres. It offers treatment in all medical fields, but specialises in transplantations, care for cardiovascular patients, multiple sclerosis and HIV therapy, as well as running a state of the art maternity clinic. As in other medical disciplines, specialists for oncology offer surgical and non-surgical treatments for all types of tumours. The University Hospital has one of the largest urological clinics in Switzerland.

University Children's Hospital of the two Basels
The University Children’s Hospital of the two Basels is an independent, university centre of excellence for child and adolescent medicine. It is located at the Spitalstrasse 33 in Basel. The Basel Children's Hospital ensures the best possible holistic care and treatment and care of the sick children according to age and development.

Private hospitals
A number of private hospitals also offer medical services. The largest are St. Claraspital, Merian-Iselin Hospital and Bethesda Hospital. Doctors from all disciplines and highly qualified nursing staff provide the best possible care.
In principle, everything can be insured in Switzerland. You will find the most common types of insurance listed below.
Health insurance
Health insurance is mandatory in Switzerland. People choose and pay it privately, however. The basic benefits are defined by federal law, every insurance company must include them in their basic package. Insurance companies are obliged to accept everyone for the basic package, although they can reject applications for extra benefits (for example, for 1st or 2nd class hospital accommodation). The monthly premiums vary from company to company and from canton to canton. In order to reduce the premiums, patients can opt to pay some of the health costs themselves, or to see a doctor approved by the insurance company.
Personal liability insurance
One can be exposed to a great variety of potential liability risks in one's day-to-day life. Damaging third-party property or injuring another person establishes an obligation to pay compensation. Compensation claims can be extremely high when individuals are involved. The «Privathaftpflicht-Versicherung» (personal liability insurance) protects the policy holder against such financial risks.
Household contents insurance
Losses caused by fire and natural disasters, theft, water and broken glass are risks to which household property is exposed at all times. The «Hausrat-Versicherung» (household contents insurance) protects furniture and personal effects against such risks.
Motor vehicle insurance
The «Motorfahrzeug-Versicherungs-Police» (motor vehicle insurance policies) can be tailored to meet the particular requirements of any individual. Third-party liability insurance is obligatory, and covers injuries to persons and damage to property. Partial vehicle insurance provides cover against fire, theft, damage caused by natural events, collisions with animals etc. Fully-comprehensive insurance policies extend cover to include collisions involving the policy holders own vehicles.
Legal expenses insurance
Non-lawyers often find it difficult to safeguard their legal rights. In the event of disputes with neighbours, with employers, with tour operators or in the event of road accidents, the «Rechtsschutz-Versicherung» (legal expenses insurance) acts as a partner in the interests of policy holders.