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File a complaint online

Conveniently report theft or damage to property online. Report the loss of a license plate or the purchase or transfer of a weapon.

With an online report, you save yourself the trip to the police station and the possible waiting time!

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Kantonspolizei Basel-StadtCantonal Police Force

File a complaint online

Residents of the Canton of Basel-Stadt can submit their own reports to the online police station around the clock. The service is aimed at private individuals and companies.

Reporting multiple stolen valuables

If, for example, a bag has been stolen from you and several valuables have disappeared with it at the same time, it is not possible to report this via Suisse ePolice.

If several valuables are stolen, you must complete the form below. This is a form from the Basel-Stadt cantonal police. Apart from the fact that it is a different form, nothing will change for you. The crime scene must be in Basel, Riehen or Bettingen.

Please note that the loss of an ID or passport must always be reported in person at a police station.

Criteria for an online complaint

Before you file a report online, make sure that all of the following points apply:

  • No evidence of the perpetrator
  • No visible signs of break-in or burglary
  • No witnesses or recordings available
  • Scene of the crime is in the canton of Basel-Stadt or another Suisse-ePolice canton
  • Scene of the crime is not abroad

Stolen or lost ID card

If you have lost your identity card or passport due to theft or loss, you must report this loss in person. You can do this at a police station or at the counter of the Residents' Registration Office at Spiegelgasse 6.

If, for example, you have lost a bag containing an ID card and other valuables, proceed as follows:

Lost ID cards cannot currently be reported online to prevent misuse or identity theft.

What if I want to report something else?

If you wish to report another offence, please report in person to a police station near you. It is essential that you take identification with you.

Probleme in der Nachbarschaft?

Melden Sie sich beim Community Policing der Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt.

Community Policing

Suisse ePolice - der Schweizer Online-Polizeiposten

Online Anzeige erstatten bei Diebstahl oder Sachbeschädigung. Kontrollschild-Verlust melden, Waffenerwerb und -übertragung melden.

Suisse ePolice

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Last updated