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Emergency Call

Emergency numbers are there to be used – even when in doubt!
Police, fire and ambulance services are available around the clock and calls are free.

Answer our questions calmly and completely
Even if you are excited and nervous, listen carefully and answer our employees' questions as calmly and completely as possible. We will already be alerting the emergency and rescue services during the phone call. Follow the verbal instructions of the employees at the operations center. A structured and standardized emergency call center will guide you through the conversation. Police, fire and ambulance staff will stay on the phone with you if possible and for as long as necessary. They will give you advice on how to stay safe at the scene of the emergency and instruct you on how to carry out (life-saving) immediate measures depending on the situation.

117 - Call the police

Call 117

  • What happened?
  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?

Wait for the police to arrive!

  • Do not intervene – for example, in the event of a break-in.

How you can help...

  • Observe carefully so that you can provide the police with information – for example, about the people involved.

118 - Call the fire brigade

Select 118

  • Where is the emergency? (municipality and address)
  • What is your call-back number?
  • What happened?

Wait for the fire department to arrive!

  • Try to stay calm.

How you can help...

  • Observe carefully so that you can provide information to the fire department, e.g. about people involved.

144 - Call an ambulance

Select number 144

  • Where is the emergency? (municipality and address)
  • What is your call-back number?
  • What happened?

Wait for the ambulance to arrive!

  • Try to stay calm.

How you can help...

  • Observe carefully so that you can provide the ambulance with information, e.g. about the people involved.

Für dieses Thema zuständig

Last updated