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Basel is the gateway between Europe and Switzerland. Good relationships between Switzerland and other European countries are thus of great importance for Basel.

Flag of the European Union at Basel City Hall.
The Canton of Basel-Stadt is committed to good relations with the European Union.
© Kanton Basel-Stadt

Charm campaign

With a targeted "charm campaign", the Canton of Basel-Stadt wants to contribute to good relations between Bern and Brussels. At the same time, the Canton of Basel-Stadt is taking advantage of dialogue platforms and face-to-face meetings to promote the interests of the region, particularly those relating to education, research and innovation.

Networking with the neighbouring regions of Baden-Württemberg, the Collectivité européenne d’Alsace (CeA) and the Grand-Est region of France as well as organising and establishing activities in Stuttgart, Paris and Brussels is particularly important in this process. The Canton of Basel-Stadt is also involved in a variety of corporate activities and platforms dedicated to specific topics and political meetings.

Aussenbeziehungen und Standortmarketing

Karte von Basel-Stadt
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Marktplatz 30a
4001 Basel


Montag bis Freitag
8 bis 12 Uhr
14 bis 17 Uhr

Last updated