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The state of Massachusetts and the Canton of Basel-Stadt are among the leading economic regions in their countries, particularly in the field of life sciences. Since 2002, they have been linked by a sister-state agreement with the aim of intensifying cooperation, particularly in the fields of science and education.

Basel and Massachusetts have been twinned since 2002.
© shutterstock

Many things in common

Basel-Stadt and the State of Massachusetts have long discovered that they have many things in common. Both are among the leading economic areas in their country; they are home to many very successful high-tech companies, especially in the field of life sciences, and to many renowned research institutions. Both states also offer a high standard of living, a rich cultural life as well as many tourist attractions.

The Sister-State Agreement

The Sister-State Agreement between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Canton of Basel-Stadt was first signed in Boston in 2002 by the then Governor Jane Swift and the thenPresident of the Government Carlo Conti. With the signing of the Sister-State Agreement, the Canton of Basel-Stadt and the State of Massachusetts decided to deepen their cooperation, develop joint projects and programmes in the fields of science and education, arts and culture, business and commerce as well as government and administration and promote a lively exchange.

Josias Planta
Leiter Fachstelle Internationale Kooperationen
+41 61 267 40

Internationale Kooperationen

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