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The division implements communication measures and marketing campaigns aimed at promoting and raising Basel’s profile as a business location both in Switzerland and abroad. The analysis of national and international rankings enables systematic monitoring of the external perception of the positioning of the Basel location in Switzerland and abroad.

Image-Logo Basel out of passion
The current Basel-Stadt location marketing campaign shows Basel with passion - as a cultural metropolis, an innovation hub and a host city.


The aim of the communication measures and marketing campaigns is to increase awareness of Basel as a location and to cultivate its image in Switzerland and abroad.  Basel is to be positioned as a location with the highest quality of life, as a dynamic economic, research and innovation hub, as an international event location, as the cultural capital of Switzerland, as an international role model in the field of climate and environmental protection, and as the gateway to Switzerland and Europe.

The numerous communication measures of Marketing include, among others, the following:

The External Affairs and Marketing division is also responsible for communicating and promoting the markets and events organised by the department, such as the Basel Autumn Fair and Christmas in Basel.


Location rankings

Rankings influence the public perception and reputation of cities and regions due to great media interest. They are therefore becoming increasingly important in evaluating locations and are a relevant factor in the settlement of companies and institutions as well as in attracting investors and skilled labour. 

In its annual report, the Division of External Affairs and Marketing uses selected location rankings to show how Basel compares internationally in the spirit of "Put Basel on the map". 


Dominik Lachenmeier
Leiter Fachstelle Kommunikation
+41 61 267 46

Aussenbeziehungen und Standortmarketing

Karte von Basel-Stadt
Zur Karte von MapBS. Externer Link, wird in einem neuen Tab oder Fenster geöffnet
Marktplatz 30a
4001 Basel


Das Sekretariat befindet sich im dritten Stock.
Montag bis Freitag
8 bis 12 Uhr
14 bis 17 Uhr

Last updated