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Trinational and regional cooperation

The Canton of Basel-Stadt's national, international and regional cooperation is largely coordinated by the Department of Presidential Affairs. It clarifies the interests of the trinational Basel metropolitan region and represents them in institutional bodies.

Map of tri-national co-operation.
Due to Basel's special geographical location, cross-border cooperation is very important for the Canton of Basel-Stadt.

Committees in the Upper Rhine region

The Franco-German-Swiss Upper Rhine Conference (ORK) is the most important institutional framework for cross-border regional cooperation for the Canton of Basel-Stadt. In 2025, Switzerland will hold the chair of this committee with Conradin Cramer. The Canton of Basel-Stadt is also active in the Upper Rhine Council (ORR), the Trinational Metropolitan Region (TMO) and the Upper Rhine Cities Network and makes use of the opportunities offered by the Interreg Upper Rhine funding programme.

For the Upper Rhine region to be successful as a common living, economic and cultural area, it needs intensive cross-border exchange and good institutional cooperation.

The Upper Rhine region is the largest cross-border cooperation area in Switzerland

  • 20'000 km² area
  • three national borders
  • 6 million inhabitants 

For comparison: Switzerland covers over 40,000 km² and has a population of over 8 million inhabitants.

Foto der Dreiländerbrücke im Sommer, links wehen die Fahnen von Frankreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz im Wind.
Die 2007 fertiggestellte Dreiländerbrücke verbindet Weil am Rhein (Deutschland) mit Huningue (Frankreich).
© Aussenbeziehungen und Standortmarketing Basel-Stadt (Foto Julian Salinas)

Cooperation in the trinational agglomeration

The trinational cooperation of the Canton of Basel-Stadt represents the interests of the canton in various committees of the Basel agglomeration, for example in the Trinational Eurodistrict of Basel (TEB) and the information and advisory centre INFOBEST PALMRAIN.

The trinational agglomeration of Basel stretches across three national borders, with the canton of Basel-Stadt at its centre. A cross-border perspective is important for the healthy development of the entire agglomeration area. The focus is on spatial planning, mobility, housing, civil society, culture and tourism.

The trinational agglomeration of Basel is the third largest agglomeration in Switzerland

  • 850,000 people live in the trinational agglomeration of Basel
  • Over 85,000 people commute to Basel-Stadt to work here
  • Around a third of them live in Germany and France, the rest in other Swiss cantons
Photo of the Weil am Rhein station on the occasion of the opening of tram line 8 in 2014. In the picture, a new tram on line 8 is standing at the stop next to a tram from the vintage fleet.
Cross-border tram services: Tram 8 runs from Basel SBB station to Weil am Rhein.
© Aussenbeziehungen und Standortmarketing

Intercantonal cooperation bodies

The Canton of Basel-Stadt works actively with the cantons in the Basel metropolitan area and the whole of north-west Switzerland. The Canton of Basel-Stadt is represented in the Northwestern Switzerland Government Conference (NWRK) and the Metropolitan Conference Basel (MKB). With the Intercantonal Coordination Office at Regio Basiliensis (ICRB), Basel-Stadt, together with the cantons of Northwestern Switzerland, has an external office that assumes governmental tasks in the cantons' foreign policy.

Through the regional exchange, the cantons coordinate internally and pool their strengths in relation to federal policy, cross-border partners and the European Union.

Stellenangebot Regio Basiliensis

Projektmitarbeiter/in Förderprogramme 80–100%


Die Nordwestschweiz umfasst die fünf Kantone Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau, Solothurn und Jura.

Financing cross-border projects

“Interreg VI” funding period

From 2021 to 2027, the European Union will invest a total of 8.05 billion euros. The Canton of Basel-Stadt and the cantons of Northwestern Switzerland are involved in several funding pools from 2021 to 2027:

  • Interreg A: The European Union has approved 125 million euros for the "Interreg Upper Rhine" projects.
  • Interreg B: The "Interreg North-West Europe" and "Interreg Alpine Space" programmes will receive 370 million and 139 million euros respectively.

Fact sheets and statistics

Further information


Silvio Tondi
Leiter Fachstelle Trinationale Zusammenarbeit
+41 61 267 80

Trinationale Zusammenarbeit

Karte von Basel-Stadt
Zur Karte von MapBS. Externer Link, wird in einem neuen Tab oder Fenster geöffnet
Marktplatz 30a
4001 Basel


das Büro der Fachstelle Trinationale Zusammenarbeit befindet sich im dritten Stock.

Last updated